Partners for Health NGO (PfH)
(formerly – Atlanta-Tbilisi Health Partnership Program, ATHPP)


  • Zlotnick Ch., Broese van Groenou M, Orban A, Corrigan T, Coimbra S, Kirtava Z, Holdsworth C, Comas-d’Argemir D, Alipranti L, Gadet C, Pavia G. Lessons Learned from Eleven Countries on Programs Promoting Intergenerational Solidarity. Family Relations: Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Science. 2020: 1-24. DOI:10.1111/fare.12482. Impact factor: 1.317

  • Kasradze S., Kashmadze K., Khasia B., Kirtava Z., Lomidze G. From patients’ e-Registry – to Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and Electronic Health Records (EHRs) – e-Health technologies for Epilepsy follow-up Management in Georgia. Abstracts of 33rd International Epilepsy Congress (IEC 2019), June 22-26, 2019, Bangkok, Thailand: p261.

  • Kasradze S., Kashmadze K., Khasia B., Kirtava Z., Lomidze G. Development of Patients’ e-Registry and Electronic Medical Records (EMR) as Cost-Effective Management System for Epilepsy - the pilot study in Georgia. Abstracts of the 13th International Congress on Controversies in Neurology (CONy), 4-7 April, 2019, Madrid, Spain. Abstract # 296.

  • Kirtava Z, Shulaia T, Kiladze N, Korsantia N, Gogitidze T, Jorjoliani D. e-Health/m-Health Services for Dermatology Outpatients Screening for Skin Cancer and Follow-up. IEEE 18th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Application and Services – “HealthCom’16”, Munich, Sept 14-17, 2016. DOI: 10.1109/HealthCom.2016.7749427

  • Kirtava Z, Shulaia T, Kiladze N, Korsantia N, Gogitidze N, Jorjoliani D. Skin cancer screening using e-Health/m-Health applications for dermatology outpatients in Republic of Georgia. Proceedings of Wireless Health 2015 Conference, 14-16.10, 2015, NIH, Bethesda, MD (USA). p. 55.

  • Kirtava Z, Gegenava T, Gegenava M, Simonia G, Andronikashvili I. e-Health/m-Health Applications for Cardiac Patients Telemonitoring. VI Latin American Conference on Biomedical Engineering - CLAIB 2014, 29-31 October, 2014, Parana (Argentina). pp. 1321-1324

  • Kirtava Z. Case 4: A 45-year old woman with joint pain. Chapter In: Modernizing Medical Education through Case-Based Clinical Reasoning. Eds.: O. ten Cate, M. van Loon, G. Simonia; UMC Urtrecht, 2014, p:168-183.

  • Kirtava, Z., Jorjoliani, D., Kashmadze, K., Beridze, J., Shamanadze, O., Ghazisaidi, N. Hybrid networking solutions for e-Health systems in GeorgiaIEEE 21st Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), 2013. Belgrade, (Serbia) 26-28 Nov. 2013, pages: 137–140.

  • Kirtava, Z., Gegenava, T., Gegenava, M. mHealth for cardiac patients telemonitoring and integrated care. 2013 IEEE 15th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications & Services (Healthcom2013). Lisbon, 9-12 Oct. 2013, Pages: 21–25.

  • Gegenava T., Gegenava, M., Kirtava Z. Role of telemedicine for assessing recurrent and asymptomatic episodes of arrhythmia. European Heart Journal - Acute Cardiovascular Care. 12/2012; 1 (S1)(7):186-187.

  • Kirtava Z, Gegenava T., Gegenava M., Matoshvili Z., Kasradze S., Kasradze P. Mobile telemonitoring for arrhythmias in outpatients in the republic of Georgia: a brief report of a pilot study. Telemedicine and e-Health: 07/2012; 18(7):570-1.

  • Vannieuwenborg F., Kirtava Z., Lambrinos L., Van Ooteghem J., Verbrugge S. Implications of mHealth Service Deployments: A Comparison between Dissimilar European Countries. In: Telecommunication Economics - Selected Results of COST Action IS0605 Econ@Tel. A.M. Hadjiantonis, B. Stiller (Eds.). Springer (LNCS 7216), 2012: p.56-66. ISBN: 978-3-642-30381-4

  • Pau L.-F., Puga P., Chen H., Kirtava Z. Mobile Communications of the Needy and Poor: Affordability Indicators, European Data, Social Tariffs. In: Telecommunication Economics - Selected Results of COST Action IS0605 Econ@Tel. Antonis M. Hadjiantonis, Burkhard Stiller (Eds.). Springer (LNCS 7216), 2012: p.44-55. ISBN: 978-3-642-30381-4.

  • Kirtava Z, Matoshvili Z, Gegenava M, Gegenava T, Kralovec S. - mHealth Monitoring for Arrhythmia Patients in Republic of Georgia. Mobile Health Expo, Las Vegas, NV, USA. Oct 19-21, 2010.

  • Kirtava Z, Kvantaliani V, Jorjoliani D. NSIm - Nutrition Status Identification Model (nSIM) – Mobile Health Expo, Las Vegas, NV, USA. Oct 19-21, 2010.

  • Kirtava Z. e-Health and m-Health: Trends and visions for resource-limited environment in developing economies - case of Georgia. ESF and COST High-Level Conference “Future Internet and Society”, Aquafredda di Maratea, Italy, Oct 2-7, 2010.

  • Kirtava Z. Mobile Operators For Low-Income Population - Case Of Georgia: Special Tariffs - To Be or Not To Be? Proceedings of COST 298 Project Conference “The Good, The Bad and The Challenging – The User and the future of information and communication technologies” on Broadband Society, Copenhagen, 2009, May 13-15. Vol.II:930-9.

  • Kirtava Z. Mobile Operator Supports Refugees and Disabled in Georgia. Informatica Economicặ. 2009, Vol.13(2):147-54.

  • Kirtava Z, Akopov V, Kobaidze K. Hospital Medicine – Back to the Future? – Annual Proceedings of Tbilisi State Medical University. 2008.Vol. XLII: 114-7. (in Geor).

  • Burns CA, Kirtava Z, Walker HK, The Role of Information Access in Sustainable Healthcare in Georgia: the Atlanta-Tbilisi Health Partnership Model. Information Service & Use, 2005, 25:125-35.

  • Walker HK, Fazlollahi B, Kirtava Z, Wold J. Georgia to Georgia initiative. BMJ, 2005 Jul 23;331(7510):237.

  • Kirtava Z. Distance Learning in Healthcare – Different Approaches for Georgia and Other Transition Countries. Presentation at TATRC pre-conference workshop. American Telemedicine Association 9th Annual Conference, Tampa, FL, 1-5 May, 2004.

  • Kirtava Z. Empowering the Social Sector in Georgia Through Information Technology. 5th International Security Forum, Zurich, Oct 14-16, 2002.

  • Kirtava Z, Sheshelidze D, Kobaladze A et al. Satellite-based Interactive Distance Medical Education Program for Georgia. Tel-e-Med - Abstracts of Telemedicine and Telecare International Trade Fair. Apr 10-12, Luxembourg. 2002:48-9.

  • Kirtava Z, Sheshelidze D, Kobaladze A et al. Interactive Distance Medical Education Program for Georgia. Abstracts of the 6th International Conference on Telemedicine. Technology and Health Care, 2001;9:357.

  • Kirtava Z, Aladashvili A, Chapidze G. Still Image Teleconsulting for Interventional Cardiology in Georgia. Abstracts of the 6th International Conference on Telemedicine. Technology and Health Care, 2001;9:342-3.

  • Kirtava Z, Paposhvili K, Jorjoliani D, Sheshelidze D. Telemedicine and distance learning - experience in Georgia and future prospects. J Telemed Telecare. 1999;5 Suppl 1:S61-3.